Survey on User Interface Preferences

Survey Purpose
Have you ever used a software application and felt that its user interface does not meet your personal preferences?
The user interface preferences of software users vary according to multiple factors. Yet in many cases software designers do not take this variation into consideration. User interfaces can be made smarter through automated tailoring to each user's personal preference. The purpose of this survey is to construct a user model for tailoring the user interfaces of enterprise software applications according to what users prefer.

Please note that this survey is not meant to assess you as a person, it is only meant to ask about your opinion regarding user interfaces.
The data you provide will be completely anonymous.
If you agree to take part of this survey feel free to withdraw at any point.

Survey Structure & Instructions
This survey will present the participants with a series of 10 questions each of which will illustrate 3 interactive variations of the same user interface. These interfaces could be used to fulfil a simple task mentioned in each questions. Participants are kindly requested to rate each of the user interfaces according to how comfortable they feel in using them to fulfil the task at hand. Furthermore, participants are kindly requested to fill a few general information questions, which will help the survey in fulfilling its purpose.

Sample Question

Q1: Consider that you need to use a digital calculator to perform basic calculations.
Rate the following user interfaces according to how satisfied you are in using each of them to fulfil the task.

Option 1
Option 1 was rated with 6 out of 7 stars. This indicates that the user is highly comfortable in using this version of the user interface but there is still a very small margin for improvement.
Option 2
Option 2 was rated with 4 out of 7 stars. This above average rating indicates that the user is moderately comfortable in using this version of the user interface.
Option 3
Option 3 was rated with 1 out of 7 stars. This indicates that the user is completely dissatisfied with this version of the user interfaces.
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